Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Cairns, Cairns, Cairns... just watched about 20 bats oustide the hostel hunting for food (hope they are not blood suckers...). 6 germans and a swedish are in the same dorm... They talk a lot is all I can say about them, but they are a lively bunch.

The food which we are given for free is allright. Just like any regular food really, not great but its not school food either. Right now its 22:15 at night and its very very humid and its prettey warm too, I guess its around 35 degrees. Its nice but kinda hard to sleep.

Today I had my first diving lesson... not very exhilirating as its in a pool. However I understand that its necessary for some people to do the pool training first as they dont pay any attention to what the teacher is saying. Well ive got homework again hahaha. :(

I guess its about time that I watch a movie and go to sleep...Have to get up at 6:50 tomorrow to get picked up at 7:10 in the morning for my second day of the diving course.

There will be pictures uploaded next week from my diving trip as I have bought a water proof case for my camera.

Have a nice night/day everyone....

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