Monday, December 7, 2009

The Shining Sun ! ! !

The sun is shining yet again on this early tuesday morning in Cairns. Sitting outside the hostel, watching the birds hunt insects. The forecast for the day is; hot, sunny, humid and good. Today is the day that Fanny will arrive here in Cairns and it will be fun seeing her again.

Have met 3 guys here at the hostel, named Jakob, Lucas and Soren. All germans, but who isn`t german here in Australia? We went out last night and had a good time and met some fun people. It`s quite fun cause me and these guys have become good friends. They have all been in Australia travelling for more than 3 months. The fun part is that Soren and Jakob arrived in Australia on the same airplane and from that day on Soren has been following Jakob around, going where he goes and doing what he does.

I`m sharing dorm room with 2 germans and 1 french girl at the moment. They are nice people too, however they mostly speak german, so not as fun talking to them as to the other 3 guys who speak english when I`m around. I`m also out of clean clothes today hahaha, so now I`m gonna put on a wash.

For all those music lovers out there, check out the new song by ``Chris Brown - For Ur Love``


  1. Sounds like a great life!

  2. Take some pictures of Cairns and life around the hostel
