Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Years 2 Morrow...

Tomorrow it is new year. It will be one of the best new years I believe, because we are going to Sensation White in Melbourne ! ! ! ! Do da party dance people....

I`m still in Brisbane counting down until my flight leaves for Melbizzie. Right now I`m watching a tv show about sharks which is not very interesting at all. ``The shark a fearsome creature of the sea...blablabla`` not very exciting at all. However I met a ``Free Internet`` girl today, it is one of those people on the streets here in Brisbane giving out free internet vouchers to backpackers. I have gone past her about 20 times and we started talking and talked for about 2 hours, which was quite nice. She was danish so we could speak danish and swedish even though I had hard time understanding some things.

Then I headed off to Subway for breakfast/lunch... I know not very healthy but anyway...Then I headed back to the Hostel and now I`m sitting here writing this blogg update. Hmm ugly fishes on the tv hahaha :) This has to be the weirdest blog update so far, as I`m writing what I am thinking. Hahaha you are getting an first time insight into my brain muhahahaha... Prettey kaotic isnt it??? Well anyway now im gonna check if the TV series are done :)... peace everyone and have a happy new year... and dont forget the new years promise. Mine is to learn Spanish or French fluently in one year... Its gonna be a hard one :)

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