Saturday, December 5, 2009

Back from Diving ! ! !

It all began with the blood feud between Chris and Mel. (They were the diving instructors) They fought a vigilant battle between each other. Mel stuffed Chris`s BC (buoyancy compensator, the thing that helps you float) with fish food and the fight was on. Chris ended up being bitten by a big red seabass. Now it was payback time for Chris. He put eggs into Mel`s BC and Mel got bitten on the inside of her leg by a red seabass. But the fight didn`t end here. The next morning Chris woke up being completely white, Mel had put flower all over Chris in his sleep. However Chris filled Mels mouth piece with tobasco sauce, so they ended up being even in the end.

This was the short story about both my instructors on the Kangaroo Explorer. The diving was not very exciting in the beginning, as we were only allowed to go down with our instructors. However when we gained our open water license it became a much more joyful experience. Me and Brigida were buddies at first, (buddy is the person you dive with). We went around and we dove quite deep, about 26 meters down. There we encountered several small sharks, however the sharks didn`t like to be petted, because as soon as I got closer than 2 m they swam away.

Brigida was a fun person, always smiling and seeing everything on the good side, so it was fun diving with her. We also saw several huge turtles. When she left I was paired up with a guy from England, named Steven. While diving with him, we were able to pet a turtle, but the turtle didn`t seem to like it that much. Got very close to some sharks with him as well and we saw this huge murray eel out swimming, dark brown with black spots on it and about 1 m 20cm long.

I also did 2 night dives, but during the first one I got a bad torch, so I mostly followed the other peoples torches. However during the second dive I got a much better torch and therefore the second night dive was much more exciting. The most fun thing to do when diving during the night was to shine the light of the torch on a small fish and then one of the seabasses would come and eat it. Sadly enough we were only allowed to kill a maximum of 2 fishes per night dive...During the second night dive, my torch stopped working and so I was left in complete darkness, because my buddy had swam around a coral. He came back eventually and then we continued back to the boat.

Right now I`m sitting outside my hostel and waiting for the day to start. No idea what I`m doing today, but I will surely find something eventually. Cheers everyone and more updates will be coming other nights.

1 comment:

  1. Love the turtle pictures, gives us a feeling of being there, looks like a lot of fun
