Saturday, December 19, 2009

Boat Trip ! ! !

Just got back into town from the boat trip. It was real nice, lots of nice people and the skipper was a very aussie person. (The skipper is the captain steering the boat). Phil was the name of one of the crew on the boat and he was prettey awesome, a pure aussie. We sailed and snorkeled and slept in the sun on deck. Whitesuday was very nice, however it was not as I had imagined it. Most people say it is very beautiful, however I was not very impressed by the island or the reefs.

The sand however was very nice, 99% pure and therefore it was not warm at all even during the hottest hours of the day. I didn't drink a lot on the boat as it was BYO. However most people drank copius amounts of alcohol and were prettey drunk. We were all below 28 years old on the boat and that was really nice.

The funniest thing that happened was when this guy named Roman was looking for the outside sleeping madresses. The madresses for oustide use was stored right next to where the skipper slept, however when Roman was going to take a matress, he grabbed the leg of the captain. There are no light in the top cabin of the boat where the captain steers and therefore it was very dark and hard to see what was what. But it was still one of the funniest things that happened on the boat.

Heading out to mackers for a bit and then have and 9 hour wait until our buss leaves for Rainbow Beach. So tomorrow we will arrive in Rainbow beach and find a hostel and then just chillon the beach i suppose. Well have a good one and more updates coming up after Frazer Island or when something fun and interesting happens. Howdeyyyy ! ! ! Hoooooo ! ! !

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