Tuesday, December 15, 2009

13 December...

We rented a car for this increasingly exciting and learningfull day. We almost went off the road a couple of times but after a while my travel buddy got a hang of driving on the left side of the road. We visited Cape tribulation and Mossman Gorge. Mossman Gorge was this very nice river coming down from the mountains and it is in the middle of the rainforest which makes the natural sceneries very beautiful. However the water in the river is a bit too cold for my taste, but it was a nice cool-off from the blazing sun and the humid weather. I took around 400 photographs during this day, I`ve still got to go through all of the photograps, which is gonna take a while.

Cape Tribulation is also very beautiful and it has a couple of very long beaches running along the shorelines. The jungle is very thick and it is therefore very hard to see more than a maximum 8 meters infront of you when traversing in the jungle. We saw a couple of ``jungle hens``(or thats what I call them, don`t know their real name) and we also came across a couple of big lizards and other birds. Sadly enough we did not encounter any dangerous snakes or other animal. Another sad thing was that we didn`t encounter any crocodiles on the beaches or at the end of the rivers, however we could have gone up a river, but that would have been too dangerous as tourists had done this before and gotten eaten by crocs.

Overall it was a very nice day and right now while I`m typing this, I am sitting on a greyhound buss going towards Townsville where me and Michael will be heading out to Magnetic Island. It is said to be a very nice place to visit, so we decided to have a look on our way down towards Airlie Beach and Frazer Island. The buss takes about 6 hours going from Cairns to Townsville and I have about 5 hours left and have no idea what I am going to do for the next 5 hours.

When we arrived at Magnetic Island, we had no idea of where we were supposed to go. However we got on a local buss which was 2 dollars. We met a woman on the buss who said she would show us where the cheapest hostel on the island was located. She left the buss early and me and Michael were left not knowing where to go, so we stayed on the buss until it reached it final destination which was Horseshoe Bay. Here we found a backpackers called Bungalow Bay Village. This hostel is the most expensive one I have stayed on so far, it was 28 dollars per night in a 8 bed dorm room. There are also cockroaches, spiders and other vermin crawling around in the room, which I had not seen at the other two hostel which were cheaper. The food is also very expensive on this island as the locals are able to charge very high premium prices due to the fact that there is no or very very little competition on Magnetic Island.

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