Tuesday, December 29, 2009

New Years 2 Morrow...

Tomorrow it is new year. It will be one of the best new years I believe, because we are going to Sensation White in Melbourne ! ! ! ! Do da party dance people....

I`m still in Brisbane counting down until my flight leaves for Melbizzie. Right now I`m watching a tv show about sharks which is not very interesting at all. ``The shark a fearsome creature of the sea...blablabla`` not very exciting at all. However I met a ``Free Internet`` girl today, it is one of those people on the streets here in Brisbane giving out free internet vouchers to backpackers. I have gone past her about 20 times and we started talking and talked for about 2 hours, which was quite nice. She was danish so we could speak danish and swedish even though I had hard time understanding some things.

Then I headed off to Subway for breakfast/lunch... I know not very healthy but anyway...Then I headed back to the Hostel and now I`m sitting here writing this blogg update. Hmm ugly fishes on the tv hahaha :) This has to be the weirdest blog update so far, as I`m writing what I am thinking. Hahaha you are getting an first time insight into my brain muhahahaha... Prettey kaotic isnt it??? Well anyway now im gonna check if the TV series are done :)... peace everyone and have a happy new year... and dont forget the new years promise. Mine is to learn Spanish or French fluently in one year... Its gonna be a hard one :)

I`m Back :)

I had an awesome christmas on Frazer Island in Australia. Just outside Rainbow Beach. It was very very very sandy... and ofcourse nice. It was party everyday and all night... well not all the day but close enough. We saw some dingoes and they did not come close during the day, but during the night after cooking they came close, because they wanted our food. In the middle of the night I literally ran into one of the dingoes scavaging our campsite and got quite scared.

The people were very nice and somehow I ended up getting a haircut in the middle of the night by a german blonde girl. The cut wasnt that bad, but today I went to Toni and Guy in Brisbane and fixed it so now I have a Fauz Hawk, looks quite good I think...

Well I`m staying in Brisbane for a couple 1 more day and then I`m off to Melbourne for Sensation White for new years and it is gonna be awesome. It`s party everyday and night for meeee.... :) Thats all for this time... HAPPY NEW YEARS... 2 days in advance and Amanda in Sweden, Happy Birthday 2 days in advance... :)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Boat Trip ! ! !

Just got back into town from the boat trip. It was real nice, lots of nice people and the skipper was a very aussie person. (The skipper is the captain steering the boat). Phil was the name of one of the crew on the boat and he was prettey awesome, a pure aussie. We sailed and snorkeled and slept in the sun on deck. Whitesuday was very nice, however it was not as I had imagined it. Most people say it is very beautiful, however I was not very impressed by the island or the reefs.

The sand however was very nice, 99% pure and therefore it was not warm at all even during the hottest hours of the day. I didn't drink a lot on the boat as it was BYO. However most people drank copius amounts of alcohol and were prettey drunk. We were all below 28 years old on the boat and that was really nice.

The funniest thing that happened was when this guy named Roman was looking for the outside sleeping madresses. The madresses for oustide use was stored right next to where the skipper slept, however when Roman was going to take a matress, he grabbed the leg of the captain. There are no light in the top cabin of the boat where the captain steers and therefore it was very dark and hard to see what was what. But it was still one of the funniest things that happened on the boat.

Heading out to mackers for a bit and then have and 9 hour wait until our buss leaves for Rainbow Beach. So tomorrow we will arrive in Rainbow beach and find a hostel and then just chillon the beach i suppose. Well have a good one and more updates coming up after Frazer Island or when something fun and interesting happens. Howdeyyyy ! ! ! Hoooooo ! ! !

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

14 December - 15 December

Magnum hostel on Magnetic Island is simply just amazing. It has . . . nothing. The kitchen does not have a stowe and if you want to cook or fry something then you have to use the barbeque located outside. If you want a towel it`s 1 dollar extra and if you want a pillow it`s 1 dollar extra and if you want a bedsheet it`s (what do you think???) 1 dollar extra. Kitchen stuff, such as a pot or a pan is available if you give them a 10 dollar deposit, so when you are done with the pot and give it back then you get the 10 dollar deposit back.

The rooms are very dirty and the shower is simply disgustingly amazing. It is amazing how the showers can be so dirty and worn down, it`s almost like a miracle. The internet is not available on wireless and when using the computers provided, it is not possible to open files which have been sent to your email. If one tries to open one then it says ``This function is not available due to security reasons``, it is neither possible to save the file to a hard drive or USB flash memory as the computers use this dumb security system.

13 December...

We rented a car for this increasingly exciting and learningfull day. We almost went off the road a couple of times but after a while my travel buddy got a hang of driving on the left side of the road. We visited Cape tribulation and Mossman Gorge. Mossman Gorge was this very nice river coming down from the mountains and it is in the middle of the rainforest which makes the natural sceneries very beautiful. However the water in the river is a bit too cold for my taste, but it was a nice cool-off from the blazing sun and the humid weather. I took around 400 photographs during this day, I`ve still got to go through all of the photograps, which is gonna take a while.

Cape Tribulation is also very beautiful and it has a couple of very long beaches running along the shorelines. The jungle is very thick and it is therefore very hard to see more than a maximum 8 meters infront of you when traversing in the jungle. We saw a couple of ``jungle hens``(or thats what I call them, don`t know their real name) and we also came across a couple of big lizards and other birds. Sadly enough we did not encounter any dangerous snakes or other animal. Another sad thing was that we didn`t encounter any crocodiles on the beaches or at the end of the rivers, however we could have gone up a river, but that would have been too dangerous as tourists had done this before and gotten eaten by crocs.

Overall it was a very nice day and right now while I`m typing this, I am sitting on a greyhound buss going towards Townsville where me and Michael will be heading out to Magnetic Island. It is said to be a very nice place to visit, so we decided to have a look on our way down towards Airlie Beach and Frazer Island. The buss takes about 6 hours going from Cairns to Townsville and I have about 5 hours left and have no idea what I am going to do for the next 5 hours.

When we arrived at Magnetic Island, we had no idea of where we were supposed to go. However we got on a local buss which was 2 dollars. We met a woman on the buss who said she would show us where the cheapest hostel on the island was located. She left the buss early and me and Michael were left not knowing where to go, so we stayed on the buss until it reached it final destination which was Horseshoe Bay. Here we found a backpackers called Bungalow Bay Village. This hostel is the most expensive one I have stayed on so far, it was 28 dollars per night in a 8 bed dorm room. There are also cockroaches, spiders and other vermin crawling around in the room, which I had not seen at the other two hostel which were cheaper. The food is also very expensive on this island as the locals are able to charge very high premium prices due to the fact that there is no or very very little competition on Magnetic Island.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

1 Day relapse

Its a relapse deay today, we havent done anything interesting at all today. It has been raining the whole day and therefore it has not been very interesting. Me and Michael are leaving on a big fishing trip tomorrow at 7 in the morning. We are going to go fishing on a big boat for a whole day and then we will have to find a hostel in Port Douglas, as that is where the fishing trip is.

Michael is a nice person, but he has a little bit hard time to decide what to do and therefore I kinda have to tell him what we are doing. Its allright but a little annoying sometimes, because he can never decide on anything.


Today I`ve decided to continue my travel with Michael. He`s from Germany and is turning 25 on the coming Friday. (11/12/2009) We have decided to travel together as he is also heading down the east coast of Australia. He has to be in Sydney before new years day and I have to be in Brisbane before new years day. It was here in Cairns that our paths first crossed and now we will travel for 1 month together.

We have already booked a sailing trip for 2 days, close to Whitesundays and we`ve also gotten a 4 wheel drive adventure on Frazer Island booked. Tomorrow, Thursday, we are going to leave for Port Douglas and have a look at the rainforest and then we will start heading down the east coast of Australia towards hour final destinations.

Monday, December 7, 2009

The Shining Sun ! ! !

The sun is shining yet again on this early tuesday morning in Cairns. Sitting outside the hostel, watching the birds hunt insects. The forecast for the day is; hot, sunny, humid and good. Today is the day that Fanny will arrive here in Cairns and it will be fun seeing her again.

Have met 3 guys here at the hostel, named Jakob, Lucas and Soren. All germans, but who isn`t german here in Australia? We went out last night and had a good time and met some fun people. It`s quite fun cause me and these guys have become good friends. They have all been in Australia travelling for more than 3 months. The fun part is that Soren and Jakob arrived in Australia on the same airplane and from that day on Soren has been following Jakob around, going where he goes and doing what he does.

I`m sharing dorm room with 2 germans and 1 french girl at the moment. They are nice people too, however they mostly speak german, so not as fun talking to them as to the other 3 guys who speak english when I`m around. I`m also out of clean clothes today hahaha, so now I`m gonna put on a wash.

For all those music lovers out there, check out the new song by ``Chris Brown - For Ur Love``

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Back from Diving ! ! !

It all began with the blood feud between Chris and Mel. (They were the diving instructors) They fought a vigilant battle between each other. Mel stuffed Chris`s BC (buoyancy compensator, the thing that helps you float) with fish food and the fight was on. Chris ended up being bitten by a big red seabass. Now it was payback time for Chris. He put eggs into Mel`s BC and Mel got bitten on the inside of her leg by a red seabass. But the fight didn`t end here. The next morning Chris woke up being completely white, Mel had put flower all over Chris in his sleep. However Chris filled Mels mouth piece with tobasco sauce, so they ended up being even in the end.

This was the short story about both my instructors on the Kangaroo Explorer. The diving was not very exciting in the beginning, as we were only allowed to go down with our instructors. However when we gained our open water license it became a much more joyful experience. Me and Brigida were buddies at first, (buddy is the person you dive with). We went around and we dove quite deep, about 26 meters down. There we encountered several small sharks, however the sharks didn`t like to be petted, because as soon as I got closer than 2 m they swam away.

Brigida was a fun person, always smiling and seeing everything on the good side, so it was fun diving with her. We also saw several huge turtles. When she left I was paired up with a guy from England, named Steven. While diving with him, we were able to pet a turtle, but the turtle didn`t seem to like it that much. Got very close to some sharks with him as well and we saw this huge murray eel out swimming, dark brown with black spots on it and about 1 m 20cm long.

I also did 2 night dives, but during the first one I got a bad torch, so I mostly followed the other peoples torches. However during the second dive I got a much better torch and therefore the second night dive was much more exciting. The most fun thing to do when diving during the night was to shine the light of the torch on a small fish and then one of the seabasses would come and eat it. Sadly enough we were only allowed to kill a maximum of 2 fishes per night dive...During the second night dive, my torch stopped working and so I was left in complete darkness, because my buddy had swam around a coral. He came back eventually and then we continued back to the boat.

Right now I`m sitting outside my hostel and waiting for the day to start. No idea what I`m doing today, but I will surely find something eventually. Cheers everyone and more updates will be coming other nights.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Cairns, Cairns, Cairns... just watched about 20 bats oustide the hostel hunting for food (hope they are not blood suckers...). 6 germans and a swedish are in the same dorm... They talk a lot is all I can say about them, but they are a lively bunch.

The food which we are given for free is allright. Just like any regular food really, not great but its not school food either. Right now its 22:15 at night and its very very humid and its prettey warm too, I guess its around 35 degrees. Its nice but kinda hard to sleep.

Today I had my first diving lesson... not very exhilirating as its in a pool. However I understand that its necessary for some people to do the pool training first as they dont pay any attention to what the teacher is saying. Well ive got homework again hahaha. :(

I guess its about time that I watch a movie and go to sleep...Have to get up at 6:50 tomorrow to get picked up at 7:10 in the morning for my second day of the diving course.

There will be pictures uploaded next week from my diving trip as I have bought a water proof case for my camera.

Have a nice night/day everyone....