Sunday, September 27, 2009


Hmm what can I say about this trip... First of all it was super duper huper muper expensive...(Hope my parents doesn´t read this :) ) Well the trip from canberra to melbourne took ages. 10 hour trip with bus and train combined, not the recommended way of travelling.

However the return was fast and easy as we used the things called "planes". This only took us 1 hour. Blablabla this is probably not what most of you guys and girls wanted to hear. You probably want to hear more about what we did and what happened in Melbourne.

We went out during the friday, saturday and almost during sunday... We went to this bar called "Rue Bebélon" (not sure if my spelling is corret) The bar was owned by a Nepalese guy and the main bartender named "Ding" must be one of the best bartenders ever. Ding told us about popular bars and clubs around the city which went from small bars, where one goes for a chat, to big clubs.

I shall not lie and say that we went to all of the popular bars and clubs. However we tried several, named Cookie, Bubbles, Torf and TFU amongst other. However Cookie and Bubbles had very strict dressing codes so we did not get in to those places, even though we were dressed according to high standards. Torf and TFU were closed, which was a dissapointment, but there was one other place called Amber. This was a mix between RNB, Hip-Hop and techno/club music. The entrance was not specatular in any kind of way, but inside the club it was gogo-time.

During saturday we met with Abinashes cousin (I do not recall the name), we went to his house and met with a lot of other Nepalese people. Then during the evening we went to this guys restaurant (where he was the head-chef). The food was really good and we got some extra dishes on the side and a nice discount, as we knew the head-chef. My primary dish can be seen below:

This dinner was not very expensive as we ate very very very very very much. However during sunday, we had nothing to do...(The weather was bad all the days we were in Melbourne) This was not very fun as it was cold and rainy all day long. Therefore we watched 2 movies at the cinema in Melbourne. We watched "Fame" and "District 9" both which were good movies.

Hmm what else is there to say... aaah the hostel we lived at is called "Backpackers Hostel" and its right next to the big train station. It was quite expensive for being a hostel, but as it is situated in the middle of Melbourne its a good place to stay.

Here we have abinash in the suburbs of Melbourne

Sun is setting over the suburbs of Melbourne

Outside our Hostel at 22:57 (night-time)
I have some more pics, will maybe upload more 2morrow...Gotta go for driving now :)

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