Thursday, October 1, 2009

House, House and more House...

Hmm... This is a big thinker. Me and Nash apparently have to move out before the 8th october or during the 8th october. We are currently looking for a townhouse or that is what we preferrably want as it is as expensive as an apartement or a duplex. Today we went and looked at one place, this place is like an appartement/townhouse/duplex. It would be 310 AUD per month. However it is very small and we will have people living above and to the side of us.

This unit was also very dirty and flithy overall and thus it was not very inviting. The bathroom itself was not very nice either and this put us off a lot but if we have to live somewhere then that can be okay for 6 months maximum. Me and Nash don´t really want to live there as the contract would have to be 6 months. (The owner preffers 12 months) There are townhouses which are between 330-370 AUD per week and they seem bigger. There is also this one townhouse which has 3 bedrooms and own parking etc and its 365 AUD per week. Thus it is a lot bigger than the one we looked at today. This house I would say seems more promising as me and Nash can add a 3rd person to live with house which would bring down the overall rent compared to the other house. Plus it´s a lot bigger.

So now the question is if we should try to postpone the renting of this apartment/townhouse/duplex thingey or just go along, but I believe that we will look for another house and see if it is possible to move in to any other one very soon.

This is a bit annoying because the people who are coming to this current house, where we currently live were supposed to come at the end of october and not the 8th october. So now we are pressured for time wohooo :)... NOT!!!

I shall come back with new updates 2morrow about our house situation and well see how it develops.

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