Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First Time In Aussie!!!

39 hours of walking, sitting, waiting and struggling with heavy bags. Then finally at 6am, I arrive at Sydney International Airport. However the fight getting to Canberra is not over. I walk over to the "Travel Service Center" and ask when I can catch a bus to Canberra. All I´m told is to order online...(this did not work, as the free computers were broken)...Then I head out to ask a busdriver who ends up angry, as a result of all my questions :(. However then I finally recieve a phone-number for the busses from the train-ticket center, but then the inevitable phone dies. So now I return to the "Travel Service Center", but this time I talk to the guy and not the girl. He orders a shuttle bus for me which takes me to the bus which leaves for Canberra... Now it seems as if my luck has turned.

Finally on the bus, to my astonishment, my phone starts working again. 4 hours later I´m standing outside a hotel called "Novotel" and I see a light-blue car pull up with a Abinash inside it. :)

This is where the fun starts...

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