Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Sickness Update ! ! !

Hrm Hrm...
Me and Nash have caught the same sickness, beginning this monday and is still continuing today as we pass our third day of sickness. This may come to a schock for many of you, but we are sick...

The weirdly and sort of funny thing is that me and nash have exactly the same sickness. We both have headaches, a cold, fever and random aches. However the aches are gone and the fever, there are only two obstacles left. The cold and the fever.

As we are passing into our third night here in Canberra, hope has begun to wither away. But the super pill has not fogotten hope and thus it is restored again. (By this I mean pain-killers)

The hope is that we shall arise to our former strenght in the morning and be able to carry out the difficult tasks at hand. We shall continue.....

What I meant to say was that I´ve been sick and thus not been able to update my blog and I just realised that I might should have told you guys (and girls). However when I get the time for more pictures and informatin about school or work that will be updated.

I´ve sent my application to ANU and UC and the results of those should arrive within 3-5weeks... I know it´s a long time. Hang in there until then!