Monday, September 21, 2009

Car Crash ! ! !

Haha, fooled ya. No, but we almost crashed with Nashes car today. We are going down the middle lane doing about 60. Suddenly a car which is to the right of us decides to go into our lane infront of us and then decides to hit the breakes at the same time. Which meant that we went flying into the lane to the right of us. (It´s a 3 lane road) This other driver was obviously not looking and just decided to turn. Fortunately we didn´t crash into him.

Today is also the first day that me and Nash can say that we aren´t sick any more. Today Nash finished his last exams/test and he believes it went well....and I´m gonna do my drivers license course next week on monday, tuesday and wednesday and then I´ve got my learners license. The funny thing is that I won´t have to drive at all to get the learners license... Weird country....

So now I´m about to watch a movie about street protesting which ends up in fights :) a bit like hooligans...
ps: no pics cause I haven´t had time to take any new ones...

However on friday me and Nash are going to Melbourne for a couple of days and after that I will have many new photos to upload.

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