Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tweet Tweet...

That was the sound of the birds, when I was stuck outside the house for 2 hours...Me outside house + no key = me not getting in. This was when Nash was at his tutorials at ANU and his sister was still at school and the rest of the family was working. I had just left Abinash at ANU and now when I got back I didn´t have a key... However I decided to go buy some candy, energy drinks, chips, amongst other unhealthy things. This only took 15 minutes so when I was back at the house there was nothing else to do than wait and wait and wait.

The wait was not all in vain, I learnt that it was easy to get invited to others peoples houses. This was because several people asked me what I was doing sitting outside on the ground not doing anything in peculiar and thus asked me if I wanted to wait at their houses. I must admit that I declined as you never know what kind of people you meet out during a day when the sky is "yellow".

The sky was yellow due to the huge amount of dust in the air. There had been or apparently were a dust storm. I also took a taxi today and the woman driving the taxi was super lame...so lame...I tried to talk but all she said was "Ok" or "Aha". This must´ve been the most boring taxi driver I´ve ever met. The taxi was quite cheap...about 11AUD, which wasn´t that bad.

Hmm I´ve got nothing else to say for today. Hoppedi Hopp Bibberibop I wish I could stop. :) LOL

1 comment:

  1. No pictures from the worst sandstorm since 1940?
