Thursday, September 10, 2009

Damn ! ! !

Grrrrrrrrrr....Last night me and Ovi and Nash went out, however I forgot the most important thing at home...(No its not booze :) ) I forgot my camera... Thus I have no pictures from my first night out in Aussie-Land.

There shall be other nights, but I too think it would have been fun to have some pictures from first night out. I met so many people I have no idea which name goes to which person...Right now its 11:03am here in Aussie and if I look out through the window I see the sun shining, the temperature rising and the birds singing.

Many people are asking me how I am doing on the parts of University and work and car/motorcykle license. Here are some answers for you guys (and girls). I have not started to look for work yet, but as I can work anytime during the day and night as I do not have school or anything better to do, I believe it will not be too hard to find a full or some part time jobs. I´ve also started to look at car/motorcykle license...Now you will be amased. To take a car license one has to take a learners license...which means that you can only drive with a person who has a full driving license. This learners license you then have to have for a period of 6 months (half a year...yea I know...this is nuts) and after these six months you can take another upgrade so to speak...which basically is like a normal license, but you have to display a P sign on the car and this has to be done for 3 years, before one can take the full license.

However as I am not living with anyone who has a full license, then this means that I will have to take a learners license and then not drive for 6 months as I am only allowed to drive with someone who has a full license. Therefore I am going to take a motorcykle license, because in theory this should take much shorter time to get as you can not always have a person with a full license on the motorcykle everytime you are driving. Thus I´ve planned to take a motorcykle license and use that for 6months whilst I will also have my learners but I won´t be driving a car.

Now to the University section. I am going to apply to ANU and UC (Univeristy of Canberra) and some other ones. However yesterday when I was going to send my online application to ANU it wasn´t possible, because their online banking thingey (when paying for the application) was not working. Thus I will try to do this again today and I shall come back with an answer later.

"Superstar" - Song by Jakarta....Just awesome :D Check it out on youtube... :-)


  1. Gof..., I mean go for a light one to start with

  2. shame u didnt get any picutres but hey there is allways another night. Väl genomtänkt med transporten
    Fortsätt att "Leva Livet" där borta u Aussi-Land
    Kalle Balle
