Sunday, September 27, 2009


Hmm what can I say about this trip... First of all it was super duper huper muper expensive...(Hope my parents doesn´t read this :) ) Well the trip from canberra to melbourne took ages. 10 hour trip with bus and train combined, not the recommended way of travelling.

However the return was fast and easy as we used the things called "planes". This only took us 1 hour. Blablabla this is probably not what most of you guys and girls wanted to hear. You probably want to hear more about what we did and what happened in Melbourne.

We went out during the friday, saturday and almost during sunday... We went to this bar called "Rue Bebélon" (not sure if my spelling is corret) The bar was owned by a Nepalese guy and the main bartender named "Ding" must be one of the best bartenders ever. Ding told us about popular bars and clubs around the city which went from small bars, where one goes for a chat, to big clubs.

I shall not lie and say that we went to all of the popular bars and clubs. However we tried several, named Cookie, Bubbles, Torf and TFU amongst other. However Cookie and Bubbles had very strict dressing codes so we did not get in to those places, even though we were dressed according to high standards. Torf and TFU were closed, which was a dissapointment, but there was one other place called Amber. This was a mix between RNB, Hip-Hop and techno/club music. The entrance was not specatular in any kind of way, but inside the club it was gogo-time.

During saturday we met with Abinashes cousin (I do not recall the name), we went to his house and met with a lot of other Nepalese people. Then during the evening we went to this guys restaurant (where he was the head-chef). The food was really good and we got some extra dishes on the side and a nice discount, as we knew the head-chef. My primary dish can be seen below:

This dinner was not very expensive as we ate very very very very very much. However during sunday, we had nothing to do...(The weather was bad all the days we were in Melbourne) This was not very fun as it was cold and rainy all day long. Therefore we watched 2 movies at the cinema in Melbourne. We watched "Fame" and "District 9" both which were good movies.

Hmm what else is there to say... aaah the hostel we lived at is called "Backpackers Hostel" and its right next to the big train station. It was quite expensive for being a hostel, but as it is situated in the middle of Melbourne its a good place to stay.

Here we have abinash in the suburbs of Melbourne

Sun is setting over the suburbs of Melbourne

Outside our Hostel at 22:57 (night-time)
I have some more pics, will maybe upload more 2morrow...Gotta go for driving now :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tweet Tweet...

That was the sound of the birds, when I was stuck outside the house for 2 hours...Me outside house + no key = me not getting in. This was when Nash was at his tutorials at ANU and his sister was still at school and the rest of the family was working. I had just left Abinash at ANU and now when I got back I didn´t have a key... However I decided to go buy some candy, energy drinks, chips, amongst other unhealthy things. This only took 15 minutes so when I was back at the house there was nothing else to do than wait and wait and wait.

The wait was not all in vain, I learnt that it was easy to get invited to others peoples houses. This was because several people asked me what I was doing sitting outside on the ground not doing anything in peculiar and thus asked me if I wanted to wait at their houses. I must admit that I declined as you never know what kind of people you meet out during a day when the sky is "yellow".

The sky was yellow due to the huge amount of dust in the air. There had been or apparently were a dust storm. I also took a taxi today and the woman driving the taxi was super lame...I tried to talk but all she said was "Ok" or "Aha". This must´ve been the most boring taxi driver I´ve ever met. The taxi was quite cheap...about 11AUD, which wasn´t that bad.

Hmm I´ve got nothing else to say for today. Hoppedi Hopp Bibberibop I wish I could stop. :) LOL

Monday, September 21, 2009

Car Crash ! ! !

Haha, fooled ya. No, but we almost crashed with Nashes car today. We are going down the middle lane doing about 60. Suddenly a car which is to the right of us decides to go into our lane infront of us and then decides to hit the breakes at the same time. Which meant that we went flying into the lane to the right of us. (It´s a 3 lane road) This other driver was obviously not looking and just decided to turn. Fortunately we didn´t crash into him.

Today is also the first day that me and Nash can say that we aren´t sick any more. Today Nash finished his last exams/test and he believes it went well....and I´m gonna do my drivers license course next week on monday, tuesday and wednesday and then I´ve got my learners license. The funny thing is that I won´t have to drive at all to get the learners license... Weird country....

So now I´m about to watch a movie about street protesting which ends up in fights :) a bit like hooligans...
ps: no pics cause I haven´t had time to take any new ones...

However on friday me and Nash are going to Melbourne for a couple of days and after that I will have many new photos to upload.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Sickness Update ! ! !

Hrm Hrm...
Me and Nash have caught the same sickness, beginning this monday and is still continuing today as we pass our third day of sickness. This may come to a schock for many of you, but we are sick...

The weirdly and sort of funny thing is that me and nash have exactly the same sickness. We both have headaches, a cold, fever and random aches. However the aches are gone and the fever, there are only two obstacles left. The cold and the fever.

As we are passing into our third night here in Canberra, hope has begun to wither away. But the super pill has not fogotten hope and thus it is restored again. (By this I mean pain-killers)

The hope is that we shall arise to our former strenght in the morning and be able to carry out the difficult tasks at hand. We shall continue.....

What I meant to say was that I´ve been sick and thus not been able to update my blog and I just realised that I might should have told you guys (and girls). However when I get the time for more pictures and informatin about school or work that will be updated.

I´ve sent my application to ANU and UC and the results of those should arrive within 3-5weeks... I know it´s a long time. Hang in there until then!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Night Photography ! ! !

Me and Nash just got back from deciding to leave the house for some night photography at 21:53pm. We went to this mountain and the task of night photography proved to be more difficult than expected. Even though I used a tripod to stabilize the photos, most got blurred or distorted and thus these are the few selected photos out of the 60 we took... Thus that gives you an idea of how hard it was.
This last one is just for fun :)
Btw these pictures have not been edited hehe cause I snapped them 1 hour ago from now hahaha

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Small Bird ! ! !

Taken at 13:10, 11th September 2009 :)
Right after I took the pics of the parrot i looked out the window and saw a small bird...I rushed out to snap some pics and this was the best ones :) Hope you gus like it... Plz leave comments 2 :)
This Last Pic I don´t really know why I took it but I like it :)

Parrot at 12 o Clock ! ! !

Hehe snapped some photos of a parrot just 2 minutes ago :) picked some out for ya guys to see ... :) It´s just for fun anyway...
Hmm... Ima try to get some other animals 2 :P

Damn ! ! !

Grrrrrrrrrr....Last night me and Ovi and Nash went out, however I forgot the most important thing at home...(No its not booze :) ) I forgot my camera... Thus I have no pictures from my first night out in Aussie-Land.

There shall be other nights, but I too think it would have been fun to have some pictures from first night out. I met so many people I have no idea which name goes to which person...Right now its 11:03am here in Aussie and if I look out through the window I see the sun shining, the temperature rising and the birds singing.

Many people are asking me how I am doing on the parts of University and work and car/motorcykle license. Here are some answers for you guys (and girls). I have not started to look for work yet, but as I can work anytime during the day and night as I do not have school or anything better to do, I believe it will not be too hard to find a full or some part time jobs. I´ve also started to look at car/motorcykle license...Now you will be amased. To take a car license one has to take a learners license...which means that you can only drive with a person who has a full driving license. This learners license you then have to have for a period of 6 months (half a year...yea I know...this is nuts) and after these six months you can take another upgrade so to speak...which basically is like a normal license, but you have to display a P sign on the car and this has to be done for 3 years, before one can take the full license.

However as I am not living with anyone who has a full license, then this means that I will have to take a learners license and then not drive for 6 months as I am only allowed to drive with someone who has a full license. Therefore I am going to take a motorcykle license, because in theory this should take much shorter time to get as you can not always have a person with a full license on the motorcykle everytime you are driving. Thus I´ve planned to take a motorcykle license and use that for 6months whilst I will also have my learners but I won´t be driving a car.

Now to the University section. I am going to apply to ANU and UC (Univeristy of Canberra) and some other ones. However yesterday when I was going to send my online application to ANU it wasn´t possible, because their online banking thingey (when paying for the application) was not working. Thus I will try to do this again today and I shall come back with an answer later.

"Superstar" - Song by Jakarta....Just awesome :D Check it out on youtube... :-)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Downtown today ^^

Aight we´re back again :P This time with some more new pics... Some are aight and some are prettey nice...
Today we went downtown to open up some accounts and buy some stuff etc.... blablabla the booring old stuff ya know...
However we ended up at this small outside café in the center of canberra. I personally had a ice cold beer, whilst Ovi had a hot cup of coffée and Nash had an Ice-cream shake. The two of us were coool and the third hot ^^.

Tonight there´s gonna be some partying going on....which means...can anyone guess what???

"Party Everyday" - Quote from Black Eyed Peas

This is Nash on the way out...
In da Car Going 2 Fast 2 Furious for Yall...
The road street to the cafée
Got a ticket???
Ovi on da left and Nash on da right
Last Pic is Ovi in da caaaar.... :D
Peace ^^

What to do today !!!

Today me and Abinash are going to the car-driver license place... called road-ready... :) Then I´ve gotta apply for Uni and we´ve gotta get me an bank-account if possible.

However I´ve added some random pics...Nothing special so far :P

Nash Ma Driver ^^

2nd Day In Aussie

This is now my second day in Aussie. I will try upload pictures and other infomation that you people will find interesting. However that being said, I will not be able to upload pictures and information everyday, thus I will upload information every Friday and/or Sunday. As I may be unavailable either one of the days.

Right now I´m looking for work and I´m applying for University, going to get a car/motorcykle license and I´m looking for a house for me and my friend Abinash, who I am currently living with. Thus I might fall short on the blogging for these first weeks.

First Time In Aussie!!!

39 hours of walking, sitting, waiting and struggling with heavy bags. Then finally at 6am, I arrive at Sydney International Airport. However the fight getting to Canberra is not over. I walk over to the "Travel Service Center" and ask when I can catch a bus to Canberra. All I´m told is to order online...(this did not work, as the free computers were broken)...Then I head out to ask a busdriver who ends up angry, as a result of all my questions :(. However then I finally recieve a phone-number for the busses from the train-ticket center, but then the inevitable phone dies. So now I return to the "Travel Service Center", but this time I talk to the guy and not the girl. He orders a shuttle bus for me which takes me to the bus which leaves for Canberra... Now it seems as if my luck has turned.

Finally on the bus, to my astonishment, my phone starts working again. 4 hours later I´m standing outside a hotel called "Novotel" and I see a light-blue car pull up with a Abinash inside it. :)

This is where the fun starts...