Saturday, October 31, 2009

Long time no see :)

Hi, I´m back online again. However this is a quite expensive back online as I have bought a Telstra Pre-Paid Wireless Broadband. Therefore I now have internet and will be able to update posts on my blog.

However I can not upload pictures yet, as it will take too much of my small amount of internet that I can use. We will have an bigger and faster internet by the 10th of November. (This is what the ISP said) So therefore the uploading of pictures and other fun content has to wait.

Quite a lot has happened since I last updated this blog and the biggest event thats been was the Akon and T-Pain concert. Me, Nash, Yattah and Ovi lived in a hotel in Sydney for one night. The apartement we lived in had 2 floors and on the third floor there was a balcony, as the third floor was the roof of the hotel. We headed out towards the concert around 6ish. The concert itself was really good, normally you can´t hear what the artists are singing, but this time we could so it was nice. It was actually a little bit like a huge party rather than being a concert. Akon jumping and walking around in the crowd while singing and people jumping and dancing everywhere.

The concert was during tuesday the 27th of october and then again on the thursday, the 29th of october we went out clubbing and partying in canberra again. I do have some pictures from both of these nights, but as my internet usage is limited, I will have to upload those on a later time.

When we were in Sydney we also went shopping. I bought a pair of black shoes (to wear when I go out) and a new shirt. The other people with me also got some new clothes and other merchandise.

Today I went and bought this internet device.

For all you guys wondering about my university and future plans. I have gotten an offer from UC and ANU has not yet replied to me about my application. At the current stage it looks like I am leaning more towards UC than ANU. However it is soon summer vacation and I am planning on going travelling somewhere, where I´m going is yet to be decided.
Thats all for today (tonight)

ps: I have not gotten any work yet, as the employers wanted to know if I was staying in Canberra ower Christmas. However I do not think I will stay in Canberra the whole time as I plan to go travelling. Therefore work will have to wait a little longer. (Might be able to get weekly work somewhere) :)


  1. Great to see that the blog is up an running again

  2. yea...
    i see you survived pretty well without internet for a while :P

  3. so so so, the infamous internet has sprung back into life, the life-line that keeps us all connected in some invisible space. The present.
