Monday, October 12, 2009

No internet

Just so that you guys know. I have no internet in the unit which me and Nash have moved into and it will therefore take a while for the pictures to be uploaded. Which will mean that you will have to wait for probably several days if not max 2 weeks for pictures to come up.

However right now I am sitting in Civics mall on the computers here. Nash is at uni doing uni stuff. Well today I woke up at around 11:00 and then ate some breakfast and played some games. After this I decided to check how long time it takes to go from our new place to Civic, this took about 40 minutes to walk. (not that bad)

The other day... forgot to tell you guys about this. Me and Nash (ofcourse) went to check for a computer mouse. First we went to a factory outlet, where Nash thought that there would be a electronics shop, but there was only clothing shops so we wasted about 2 hours going there :(. But Nash went backwards in a roundabout which was kinda funny because the people in the other cars were just smiling and looking at us like what are these guys doing??? hahaha

Eventually we found an electronics shop in another shopping centre. Got the mouse and went back home.

General info: Buy electronic stuff before coming here cause the shops here for electronics suck.

hehehe ooops... >)

Another good song is "Pitbull - The Anthem" (one of his old songs but the best) :)

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