Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The 24th...

Went to the gym today again and I am going tomorrow aswell as I´ve gotta get Lachy starting on the gym. Right now the girls are getting ready to go out for a night at the lighthouse, however to everyones suprise I am not going out tonight. Have to do some studying and recap some subjects that I should have done last week, nothiing major though, just small stuff. Today I´ve finished my Economics assignment and one of my ISO assignments. Both which were quite easy. Now I´ve gotta start on my IT assignment. This is gonna be a little trickier but still nothing majorly hard.

Otherwise whats happened this week? Well Sunday and Monday I felt really bad, probably had some kinda small sickness, because I couldn´t study or concentrate on anything for a long time without getting a headache. But that´s all good now. The units I am doing feels very easy, but I am not sure that they should feel very easy and therefore I think I have to study some more in order to see if they are easy or only portrayed as being easy.

The chapters in the books are extremely long however... Sooo much text in each chapter hahaha :)

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good work! You will be doing well!
