Friday, February 12, 2010

Broken Ancle, scratched knees and glass cuts...

Well it can´t get any better than this, that is sure. Steph broke her ancle last night when she fell, because she was wearing very high heels. At first it didn´t seem as if anything was wrong, just like a twisted ancle I was told today. Later however she was unable to walk at all and then today when the girls went to the hospital with her, the X-ray showed that she had broken it badly. She might have to have surgery... tomorrow we will get to know if the surgery is necessary or not. At the same time as when she fell, she cut her hand a little bit on some broken glass. But it was still a good night out...

Running through the bushes to catch the bus from the Uni bus-stop Annika fell and scratched her leg, which now has become infected. So it was a hell of a night last night.

However I remain unscratched, un-hurt and perfectly fine. The night out was a lot of fun even though we had our times of damage. Tomorrow I think we might be headed for the coast if it is sunny and that will be a lot of fun and nice to get out there again.

Today we went to the Belconnen Mall and I got myself a haircut, the regular short cuts I always get. The hairdresser who was cutting my hair on the other hand was very unusual. She just couldn´t stand still and kept shaking her hands without stopping. She was also jumping around, so it was quite interesting to watch her. Finally we have a toaster now, instead of having to do the toasts in a hot frying pan. Now the only thing left to do is to check out what we are going to have for dinner...

That´s about everything that has happened today and yesterday night...

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