Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Day Off...

I wish it was, today I have been learning HTML and I still have Econ assignment and my resumé to type up. The future is looking dark for me. No fun today work work work. But I suppose the Doriotos Nacho Cheese Chips make up for the bad parts and so do the chocolate chip cookies and the lemonade. However I am infact in pain. Working out two days in a row for the first time in ages does give you a very high dose of muscle pain. It even hurts when I laugh, so as I said before no fun today.

Overall the lectures are quite boring. The stuff they talk about is interesting but the way they talk is way to slow and there is not very much interaction going on between lecturer and students. The tutorials however are fun, because there´s lots of stuff happening and we are actually doing something instead of just listening to someone talk.

In terms of how hard the subjects are gonna be, I believe that Econ will be the easiest, then Information Systems in Organisations, Accounting for Managers and the hardest will be the Information Technology one, as 50% of the course basically is programming. While the other 50% is the theory behind programming languages and how programs are designed etc.

Soon I think I´m gonna take a pain killer cause it is hard to concentrate when moving your arm hurts all the time... :) that is all for this time...

1 comment:

  1. The second day is worst! But keep up the good spirit, You are going to be strong!
