Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Week 1 of Uni...

So this has been the first real week of Uni. It is nice, however we are no learning anything in the lectures yet, as most lectures have been about what we are going to do and what the subjects themselves are about. For example in IT lectures we have "The Chocolate Question". This is just any random question that our lecturer asks at the end of each lecture and the question is about the lecture itself and the first to answer this question gets a bar of chocolate. I believe he asks these questions at the end of the lectures because it will keep people coming to the lectures rather than skipping them and watching them online on the Moodle site.

However it has been a very very hectic week. Lots of work, for example watching Gossip Girl (A TV serie) has been very exhausting. The watching of Supernatural (another TV serie) has also made our brains go into shutdown mode. This is the girls fault...because they love watching TV shows. But now I believe it is time to start studying and having a look at what I am actually doing. Fortunately enough for me, I have already done one of the units before and therefore I should have a very easy time in this subject. The unit that I have done before is the Introduction to Economics. Since I did this in the IB it should be easy. I am have also started looking for a job a Belconnen Mall, anything is good and I will be handing out resumé´s on Friday.

Today it is wednesday, there was supposed to be a pool party, but as not enough people were going this did not happen. It would have been fun though to have a pool party, perhaps there will be another one next week. Next week it is O-week for ANU and that ofcourse means more parties for the universities of Canberra. As the UC people still have to study I hope that the partying will be kept to a limited on the campus area as it´s hard to sleep if there´s people everywhere.

A quite funny thing happened the other day. Ash (a roomate) was washing the dishes and her hair kept falling down, so she asked me to get her a headband. As I could not find a headband I had no choice but the keep her hair up myself. However while doing so the rest of the people walked into our apartement. I was told that "I was already in Ash´s spell". Whatever that means... anyway all the people here with me are cool :) and we are having a blast prettey much all the time.

Since we are heading out tomorrow night again. I shall bring with me my new camera and take as many pictures as possible, to show everyone what goes down in Canberra City during the night :)

That´s all and keep the parties coming...

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