Saturday, October 31, 2009

Long time no see :)

Hi, I´m back online again. However this is a quite expensive back online as I have bought a Telstra Pre-Paid Wireless Broadband. Therefore I now have internet and will be able to update posts on my blog.

However I can not upload pictures yet, as it will take too much of my small amount of internet that I can use. We will have an bigger and faster internet by the 10th of November. (This is what the ISP said) So therefore the uploading of pictures and other fun content has to wait.

Quite a lot has happened since I last updated this blog and the biggest event thats been was the Akon and T-Pain concert. Me, Nash, Yattah and Ovi lived in a hotel in Sydney for one night. The apartement we lived in had 2 floors and on the third floor there was a balcony, as the third floor was the roof of the hotel. We headed out towards the concert around 6ish. The concert itself was really good, normally you can´t hear what the artists are singing, but this time we could so it was nice. It was actually a little bit like a huge party rather than being a concert. Akon jumping and walking around in the crowd while singing and people jumping and dancing everywhere.

The concert was during tuesday the 27th of october and then again on the thursday, the 29th of october we went out clubbing and partying in canberra again. I do have some pictures from both of these nights, but as my internet usage is limited, I will have to upload those on a later time.

When we were in Sydney we also went shopping. I bought a pair of black shoes (to wear when I go out) and a new shirt. The other people with me also got some new clothes and other merchandise.

Today I went and bought this internet device.

For all you guys wondering about my university and future plans. I have gotten an offer from UC and ANU has not yet replied to me about my application. At the current stage it looks like I am leaning more towards UC than ANU. However it is soon summer vacation and I am planning on going travelling somewhere, where I´m going is yet to be decided.
Thats all for today (tonight)

ps: I have not gotten any work yet, as the employers wanted to know if I was staying in Canberra ower Christmas. However I do not think I will stay in Canberra the whole time as I plan to go travelling. Therefore work will have to wait a little longer. (Might be able to get weekly work somewhere) :)

Monday, October 12, 2009

No internet

Just so that you guys know. I have no internet in the unit which me and Nash have moved into and it will therefore take a while for the pictures to be uploaded. Which will mean that you will have to wait for probably several days if not max 2 weeks for pictures to come up.

However right now I am sitting in Civics mall on the computers here. Nash is at uni doing uni stuff. Well today I woke up at around 11:00 and then ate some breakfast and played some games. After this I decided to check how long time it takes to go from our new place to Civic, this took about 40 minutes to walk. (not that bad)

The other day... forgot to tell you guys about this. Me and Nash (ofcourse) went to check for a computer mouse. First we went to a factory outlet, where Nash thought that there would be a electronics shop, but there was only clothing shops so we wasted about 2 hours going there :(. But Nash went backwards in a roundabout which was kinda funny because the people in the other cars were just smiling and looking at us like what are these guys doing??? hahaha

Eventually we found an electronics shop in another shopping centre. Got the mouse and went back home.

General info: Buy electronic stuff before coming here cause the shops here for electronics suck.

hehehe ooops... >)

Another good song is "Pitbull - The Anthem" (one of his old songs but the best) :)

Sunday, October 11, 2009


It is half decided. Tomorrow me and Nash are moving in at the first apartment/duplex/house. I shall upload photos tomorrow of what the place looks like and further details.

Otherwise I have no idea what to write today... think think think... I haven´t done a thing today except clean the whole apartment/duplex/house and that took me basically the whole day... Atleast it smells good now :)

Further info coming 2 morrow :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Confusion ! ! !

This is interesting, very very interesting. An idea is how it all started. This Nepalese embassy guy got the idea that three families should buy a house and somehow it got to a part where me and Nash would live in that house with some other people. However if this happens or not I am not sure.

It has gotten very interesting as I have no clue of where we are gonna live, but it´ll work out eventually :), so no need to worry. Also an update about my work position. I have called several places, but every single place is looking for people who have been working for a minimum of 2 years or another qualification is required or the position is already taken.

The most annoying part when looking for work is that all employers want someone who has specific qualification. Such as minimum 2 years work experince, earlier experience in the area of customer service, has to have had minimum of 2 employers before, "has to have a reliable transport" (this is the most common one) or that you have to have an australian/new zealand citizenship.

"Claude Kelly - Scratch" - this is a good song :)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Party Party Party ! ! !

Yea that´s right :) I turned 19 yesterday. We didn´t do anything special during the day as the weather was bad. However during the night we went partying :) and that was really fun this time. Met lots of people and had an overall fun time. We were at this club called "Academy" and its a quite big club. Its got an balcony in glass inside of the club so that you can stand above everyone dancing on the dancefloor below. Prettey nice...

Well anyway heres some pics... :)

Friday, October 2, 2009


Well today I´ve been looking for work. Handed out some resume´s to different places and applied for some stuff online. Mostly restaurants and fast food places...(the easiest jobs to get when your 19) and me and Nash are moving in a couple of days. We have to live in this one apartement and we will only sign a 3 months contract, so we will survive and after that we will see what happens.

I will also have to go and collect my learners license, but as we are moving there is no point getting it before we have moved houses. As I have to show that I am living in Australia in order to obtain the card etc.

2 morrow I have no idea what I´m gonna do as I will not have any work until at the latest monday. Thus this weekend we will probably go to the beach if the weather permits. As of tonight it´s supposed to be a thunderstorm again, so lots of rain and bad weather tonight.

Hmm what else...Oooh yea... Earlier I´ve been talking about photographes coming up etc. However this will take longer time as I currently do not have a drivers license or a motorcykle license and it is therefore hard to go around outside of Canberra. However I think that I shall recieve word from uni in about 2 weeks (Atleast I hope so...) as it´s been 2 weeks since I sent my application.

That´s all for tonight :)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

House, House and more House...

Hmm... This is a big thinker. Me and Nash apparently have to move out before the 8th october or during the 8th october. We are currently looking for a townhouse or that is what we preferrably want as it is as expensive as an apartement or a duplex. Today we went and looked at one place, this place is like an appartement/townhouse/duplex. It would be 310 AUD per month. However it is very small and we will have people living above and to the side of us.

This unit was also very dirty and flithy overall and thus it was not very inviting. The bathroom itself was not very nice either and this put us off a lot but if we have to live somewhere then that can be okay for 6 months maximum. Me and Nash don´t really want to live there as the contract would have to be 6 months. (The owner preffers 12 months) There are townhouses which are between 330-370 AUD per week and they seem bigger. There is also this one townhouse which has 3 bedrooms and own parking etc and its 365 AUD per week. Thus it is a lot bigger than the one we looked at today. This house I would say seems more promising as me and Nash can add a 3rd person to live with house which would bring down the overall rent compared to the other house. Plus it´s a lot bigger.

So now the question is if we should try to postpone the renting of this apartment/townhouse/duplex thingey or just go along, but I believe that we will look for another house and see if it is possible to move in to any other one very soon.

This is a bit annoying because the people who are coming to this current house, where we currently live were supposed to come at the end of october and not the 8th october. So now we are pressured for time wohooo :)... NOT!!!

I shall come back with new updates 2morrow about our house situation and well see how it develops.