Thursday, March 25, 2010

Review Tests!

Today I had economics and accounting for managers review tests. The accounting one is worth 30% of the overall grade in economics and the accounting for managers is worth 20% of the overall grade for the unit. I believe that the economics one and that the accounting for managers one went good. I think that I should not fall below 70%, however you never know as the review tests were multiple choice questions.

Both of the tests were a total of 40 different questions each. There was a couple of ambiguous questions as always, when there are multiple choice questions. For some of the questions the answer could have been either of two choices, depending on how the question was approached. So for some of them I was not completely sure about what the correct answer was.

We haven't gone out for a couple of nights now as most people have had to study, but on saturday I believe that me, ash, lachlan, kev, alistair, james and company are going out, because next week is a lecture free week and thus we do not have Uni stuff going on. During this one week off I'm going back to lachlan's place to checkout the country-side a bit. However sadly ash is going back to Sydney, so we won't see each other for a whole week (OMG right?). Anyways I've been going to the gym everyday and fallen asleep a couple of times afterwards.

Well that's all for this time... :)

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