Saturday, January 16, 2010

Time to start doing something...

Right now I am waiting or biding my time for Uni to start. I guess it is time to start doing something, so tomorrow I´m gonna go to the gym again and start my new workout schedule that I have constructed. Now I just have to find something else to do for the rest of the day...

Might go get some free ice-cream from Ovi and just hang around in civic for an hour or two. I still havent got rid of my cough but I will work out anyway cause now I can´t be bothered to wait any longer...It is getting very boring. Plus yes I am taking a STRONG cough medicin for my cough but its not really helping, so I might have to seek out a GP when I start Uni in 2 weeks. Ooooh starting Uni is gonna be fun cause now I haven´t had school or any work for 7 months or perhaps more...So now it´s time to start doing something again.

1 comment:

  1. Douglas Shakespeare philosophy class; it is a privilege to have something to do in life (we learn)
