Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Vacation and what I did!

Day 1: The car ride was about 3 hours and a little bit more as we took a wrong turn on the way, but otherwise it was fine. We arrived around 17:30ish and just unpacked the stuff from the car said hi to a family friend and had roasted chicken with vegies and stuff for dinner. Then we watched a movie and went to sleep.

Day 2: Woke up around 11:30ish and just had bread with some stuff for breakfast, then we just chilled around for a bit, not doing anything in particular. After a while we headed over to Lachys pops and nanny (his grandparents) who live next door. They were real nice and had that real Australian accent, which was pretty cool. They also owned a dog called Katie (if I remember correctly), nice small dog and very friendly.

Lachy also has two cats; however one is there but not there so it does not really listen to anybody. Then we decided to get lachys dads 250cc bike up and running. It worked real nice despite how old it was, but after about 15 minutes we lost control and crashed, hehe, it was nothing serious as we were not going very fast. Lachy who was driving got away unscratched, whilst I got a small scratch on the inside of my right leg. Nothing that won’t heal within a week or a couple of days.

Then we drove around the citrus orchard on the bike and it was pretty big. Then we decided to take a drive in the car down to the town, “Narrandra”, Lachy showed me where everything was. This included the outside swimming area, the tennis club, the “Mad Mile”, the city council and the two different ovals. The “Mad Mile” is just a road heading out of town, where the road is basically made of sand and everyone who drives on it drives really really fast, as if they were mad.

Afterwards we watched a movie again and then had dinner and then watched another movie.

Day 3: During this day we woke up again around 12:10ish. Decided not to do anything particular in the morning except to check out some movies, then around 14:00 we decided to go outside and just play some soccer. Then Lachy had to help out repairing some old machinery, so I and Perry (Lachys brother) took a swim in the pool. However we had to clean the pool out of frogs before we jumped in. When we got out there was another frog back in the pool again.

Perry also told me of when he accidentally picked up a snake with his hands, when he was reaching into the filter of the pool in order to get to a ball which had landed in the hole to the filter. So I have one good advice to everyone “Don’t put your hand where into a hole, which you aren’t completely sure of if it is free of snakes”.

Later on we went inside and watched another movie and a program on the TV, then we had dinner and just chilled out with some music for a while and eventually we decided to watch yet another movie again before heading off to bed around 1:20 in the morning.

Day 4: It is now Thursday and we woke up at 12:30ish and had breakfast. Then we headed off to the other closest town called Leeton. Here we visited Lachys cousins, Cassandra and Vanessa I believe their names were. They also had a small dog, which was very friendly. Later that night we went out to Leeton Hotel and had a couple of drinks and met up with Lachys friends. It was a nice night out, just chilling and having a couple of beers and just general jabbering.

Later on at around 01:00 the pub closed and so we had to leave. This is when a couple of fights broke out outside the pub; we had a look and then decided to head off. Most people were going to some after party somewhere nearby, but as the night progressed, cops started to show up here and there, so we decided to leg it back to Lachys cousins place where we slept for the night. This is now around 2:40ish.

Day 5: Woke up earlier than usual at 10:30 and had breakfast with Lachys cousins and their parents. Afterwards we said our goodbyes for the time being and headed back to Lachys place. After about 40 minutes Morris showed up and we headed out to fix some sprinklers out in the citrus orchard. I and Morris had to carry a very big ladder and it was full of really old smelly water, which we basically got drenched in. So we smelled like “shit”. (Morris is one of Lachys friends) When we were done we decided to go for a swim in the pool and just relax for a couple of hours as it was a quite hot day. Morris was playing some guitar and tried to avoid getting wet as he wasn’t swimming at first.

Lachy cleaned his car, whilst I just chilled in the kitchen waiting for dinner. We had salmon and some other white fish with potatoes and salad and some other fishy stuff. Then we had cheesecake for desert and eventually we just ended up in front of the computers again and Morris played some more guitar.

Day 6: We woke up late and decided to go out during the night. It was a real good night, had a couple of beers and drinks at some different bars in Narrandra. Plus we watched a bonfire outside Mitches house. (One of Lachys friend’s house) It was real nice and we had a BBQ at Mitches house as well, so it was a real nice night.

Day 7: Woke up very early to go back home from Mitches house as we slept over at his house. Driving home in the morning was not very nice as everyone was very tired from the party the night before, except for the guy driving as he had not been drinking at all.

We came back home to Lachys place and there we went back to bed as it was around 7 in the morning when we arrived. A couple of hours later we were woken up in order to go to a lunch with Lachys parents, brother, cousins and cousin’s family. After the lunch we just went back and slept and did nothing in particular, the next day we left in the car heading back to Canberra and right now I am sitting here typing this, which means that I am back in Canberra and Uni has started again.