Thursday, March 25, 2010

Review Tests!

Today I had economics and accounting for managers review tests. The accounting one is worth 30% of the overall grade in economics and the accounting for managers is worth 20% of the overall grade for the unit. I believe that the economics one and that the accounting for managers one went good. I think that I should not fall below 70%, however you never know as the review tests were multiple choice questions.

Both of the tests were a total of 40 different questions each. There was a couple of ambiguous questions as always, when there are multiple choice questions. For some of the questions the answer could have been either of two choices, depending on how the question was approached. So for some of them I was not completely sure about what the correct answer was.

We haven't gone out for a couple of nights now as most people have had to study, but on saturday I believe that me, ash, lachlan, kev, alistair, james and company are going out, because next week is a lecture free week and thus we do not have Uni stuff going on. During this one week off I'm going back to lachlan's place to checkout the country-side a bit. However sadly ash is going back to Sydney, so we won't see each other for a whole week (OMG right?). Anyways I've been going to the gym everyday and fallen asleep a couple of times afterwards.

Well that's all for this time... :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

News News News ! ! !

Yea thats right, it's been a long time since last time. But I'm back here again. There has been a slight re-arrangement here at UC. Between me and Ashlee that is. Yeapp it's what you think it is. I've finally got myself a girlfriend. Her name is Ashlee and yes it is the girl that lives in the same apartement as me and the other guys and girls.

Ash never gets angry and is almost always happy unless something sad/bad has happened. So I basically come home after Uni to the apartement and what do I find??? Ashlee :)

Thats the major changes here around campus, otherwise I got 45/50 on my IT assignment for programming and the Java programming which I am handing in today is as I believe it...going to be good aswell, so now I have an average of 91.2% in IT :)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Update It ! ! !

Yea that's right, it's been a while since my last update. However now I have something to talk about. Daniel is here in Australia. We went out last night (thursday night) and we had heaps of fun. We first went bar hopping because we were very early out and then we decided to play pool for an hour and then we hit up the clubs around civic in Canberra.

During thursday, me and daniel went and bought a basketball and a ball pump. Then we and Kevin, this dude from Sydney went and played some B-ball. As we were playing I was reaching for the ball and at the same time Daniel slipped and kinda kneed my hand so that my wrist got completely pushed together, so now it hurts. Today I went and got a elastic bandage sorta thing to keep it stabilized, however it still hurts when I type on a keyboard and stuff which is really annoying.

Well today manny people have left to go back home during the weekend, so ash, alistair amongst others have gone home for the weekend. But that's perfect cause this means we have enough beds here for Daniel too, so we are all sleeping in real beds instead of sleeping on the floor.

Hmm what else is there... Oooh yea, done with my economics presentation which if I'm not wrong is the only economics presentation that I have to do during this unit for economics. However for the presentation I and one other girl had done the same question, so I was only allowed to expand on her discussion of the first question and I basically only needed to present one question, which was very easy.
I even have to correct the tutors definition sometimes, which sorta buggs me a little bit, but it's alright.

Well now we have started learning the Java programming language and soon we will have to create a Graphical User Interface for something. So IT is getting a bit more fun, however making the website was quite fun as well, since I've never done a real website before. Interestingly enough I think I did good on the assignment. FYI (For Your Information) I ony have one single Accounting for Managers assignment for the whole unit, which is really interesting, so that assignment is about 30% of our total grade for the unit.

Right now it's 00:25 and I am soon off to go to bed and tomorrow I would like to play some basketball again if my arm allows me to do it. The weather has to allow for that possibility aswell, because today it has been raining the whole time and it's been a very boring weather.

Lastly is that I think I will get my braces off really soon which is gonna be ... Wait For It ... AWESOME!!!