Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The 24th...

Went to the gym today again and I am going tomorrow aswell as I´ve gotta get Lachy starting on the gym. Right now the girls are getting ready to go out for a night at the lighthouse, however to everyones suprise I am not going out tonight. Have to do some studying and recap some subjects that I should have done last week, nothiing major though, just small stuff. Today I´ve finished my Economics assignment and one of my ISO assignments. Both which were quite easy. Now I´ve gotta start on my IT assignment. This is gonna be a little trickier but still nothing majorly hard.

Otherwise whats happened this week? Well Sunday and Monday I felt really bad, probably had some kinda small sickness, because I couldn´t study or concentrate on anything for a long time without getting a headache. But that´s all good now. The units I am doing feels very easy, but I am not sure that they should feel very easy and therefore I think I have to study some more in order to see if they are easy or only portrayed as being easy.

The chapters in the books are extremely long however... Sooo much text in each chapter hahaha :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Day Off...

I wish it was, today I have been learning HTML and I still have Econ assignment and my resumé to type up. The future is looking dark for me. No fun today work work work. But I suppose the Doriotos Nacho Cheese Chips make up for the bad parts and so do the chocolate chip cookies and the lemonade. However I am infact in pain. Working out two days in a row for the first time in ages does give you a very high dose of muscle pain. It even hurts when I laugh, so as I said before no fun today.

Overall the lectures are quite boring. The stuff they talk about is interesting but the way they talk is way to slow and there is not very much interaction going on between lecturer and students. The tutorials however are fun, because there´s lots of stuff happening and we are actually doing something instead of just listening to someone talk.

In terms of how hard the subjects are gonna be, I believe that Econ will be the easiest, then Information Systems in Organisations, Accounting for Managers and the hardest will be the Information Technology one, as 50% of the course basically is programming. While the other 50% is the theory behind programming languages and how programs are designed etc.

Soon I think I´m gonna take a pain killer cause it is hard to concentrate when moving your arm hurts all the time... :) that is all for this time...

Friday, February 12, 2010

Broken Ancle, scratched knees and glass cuts...

Well it can´t get any better than this, that is sure. Steph broke her ancle last night when she fell, because she was wearing very high heels. At first it didn´t seem as if anything was wrong, just like a twisted ancle I was told today. Later however she was unable to walk at all and then today when the girls went to the hospital with her, the X-ray showed that she had broken it badly. She might have to have surgery... tomorrow we will get to know if the surgery is necessary or not. At the same time as when she fell, she cut her hand a little bit on some broken glass. But it was still a good night out...

Running through the bushes to catch the bus from the Uni bus-stop Annika fell and scratched her leg, which now has become infected. So it was a hell of a night last night.

However I remain unscratched, un-hurt and perfectly fine. The night out was a lot of fun even though we had our times of damage. Tomorrow I think we might be headed for the coast if it is sunny and that will be a lot of fun and nice to get out there again.

Today we went to the Belconnen Mall and I got myself a haircut, the regular short cuts I always get. The hairdresser who was cutting my hair on the other hand was very unusual. She just couldn´t stand still and kept shaking her hands without stopping. She was also jumping around, so it was quite interesting to watch her. Finally we have a toaster now, instead of having to do the toasts in a hot frying pan. Now the only thing left to do is to check out what we are going to have for dinner...

That´s about everything that has happened today and yesterday night...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Week 1 of Uni...

So this has been the first real week of Uni. It is nice, however we are no learning anything in the lectures yet, as most lectures have been about what we are going to do and what the subjects themselves are about. For example in IT lectures we have "The Chocolate Question". This is just any random question that our lecturer asks at the end of each lecture and the question is about the lecture itself and the first to answer this question gets a bar of chocolate. I believe he asks these questions at the end of the lectures because it will keep people coming to the lectures rather than skipping them and watching them online on the Moodle site.

However it has been a very very hectic week. Lots of work, for example watching Gossip Girl (A TV serie) has been very exhausting. The watching of Supernatural (another TV serie) has also made our brains go into shutdown mode. This is the girls fault...because they love watching TV shows. But now I believe it is time to start studying and having a look at what I am actually doing. Fortunately enough for me, I have already done one of the units before and therefore I should have a very easy time in this subject. The unit that I have done before is the Introduction to Economics. Since I did this in the IB it should be easy. I am have also started looking for a job a Belconnen Mall, anything is good and I will be handing out resumé´s on Friday.

Today it is wednesday, there was supposed to be a pool party, but as not enough people were going this did not happen. It would have been fun though to have a pool party, perhaps there will be another one next week. Next week it is O-week for ANU and that ofcourse means more parties for the universities of Canberra. As the UC people still have to study I hope that the partying will be kept to a limited on the campus area as it´s hard to sleep if there´s people everywhere.

A quite funny thing happened the other day. Ash (a roomate) was washing the dishes and her hair kept falling down, so she asked me to get her a headband. As I could not find a headband I had no choice but the keep her hair up myself. However while doing so the rest of the people walked into our apartement. I was told that "I was already in Ash´s spell". Whatever that means... anyway all the people here with me are cool :) and we are having a blast prettey much all the time.

Since we are heading out tomorrow night again. I shall bring with me my new camera and take as many pictures as possible, to show everyone what goes down in Canberra City during the night :)

That´s all and keep the parties coming...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Uni-Pub Tonight

Tonight everyone is heading down to Uni-Pub, its a 4 floor Pub with different music on each floor if I´m not mistaken. Photos.... since my small camera is broken I cannot take any photos. Carrying the big camera around at night is impossible and when doing activities around the campus. So I will have to get a new small camera in order to take photos.

What else can I say, I have several fun roomies and more people above my head aswell. On monday the lectures start and that is gonna be interesting.

O-Week ! ! !

Orientation week at UC is just amazing. Lots of parties and a lot of fun and friendly people. Got some cool apartement roomies. 3girls and 1 guy are living with me in the UC campus apartement. A nice bunch of people. Our schedule is quite free during the day, however at night there are always a party or two or more that is going down somewhere on or around the campus.

Outside BBQ´s and a cold beer, thats the Aussie way to go. Met lots of second and third year students, everyones talkative and having fun. The best thing is that most people dont know each other so you can strike up a convo with anyone heheh :)

Aight im off to party...